

At the moment we are busy seeing patients who have contacted us during lockdown. If you have an urgent problem, please ring 07973159798

If you would like a routine appointment or advice, please ring 07973159798 

Monday - Friday 10am to 5 pm.

Please take a look at our Web Page under "More" in the HEADER above once you have booked your appointment.

Covid and it's impact on Dental Care

Dentistry is fairly expert in controlling the clinical environment and making cross-infection an insignificant risk for everyone .... however dentistry requires close proximity and most clinical work will either generate a minor air contamination from a Coronavirus asymptomatic patient right through to a "room contaminating event" especially  if we use any of our advanced aerosol generating hi-tech instruements. Coronavirus is an easily spread airborne virus.
Last year we upgraded our clinical systems with respiratory cross-infection in mind.....  installing Swiss medical, viral air filtration and using powered ventillated filtered hoods to create as safe a clinical environment as possible for our patients ....  this offers a very high level of protection even compared to hospitals. However overall safety depends on community Coronavirus infections remaining relatively low.
Coronavirus is a dangerous disease that particularly picks on you as you get older or if you have health issues affecting your immune response. 
 Generally our patients are sensible and intelligent enough to understand the issues and risks. As the levels of vaccinations rise it does look as if we are well past the worst on the "Kent variant" and at the moment the Pandemic is comparable with the impact we might see in a flu outbreak.

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